BIOVALYS joined the activity and present the topic of “Update on rabies immunization & FAQ on Rabies Prevention” at Short Course PIDST 2019, February 13th -14th at the Sukosol Bangkok Hotel.

Updated information on rabies for pediatric physicians across the country.

BIOVALYS joined the activity and present the topic of “Update on rabies immunization & FAQ on Rabies Prevention” at Short Course PIDST 2019, February 13th -14th at the Sukosol Bangkok Hotel.

Over 600 pediatric physicians participated the annual academic meeting organized by Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of Thailand (PIDST). BIOVALYS presented the industrial dinner symposium with the topic of “Update on Rabies Immunization & FAQ on Rabies Prevention” that focused on updating the practice guideline and CPRV rabies vaccine information.

The new updates of Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) program is adding Haemophilus influenza Type B (Hib) vaccine with combined vaccine (DTP-HB-Hib). Moreover, PIDST recommends rabies vaccine for Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in risk group by starting from 2 month of age with 2 visits at day 0 and day 7. This will protect our Thai children from Hib and rabies.